Shop Talk

Category: Uncategorized

A home for the Plumier Foundation


While we still have a long way to go toward completion, and can by no means rest as yet, we have past an important milestone and want to thank those of you who have stepped up to the plate with generosity. Because of that we are right at 55% of the way toward our $600,000 goal.

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Inspirations and Their Sources

The better things in life always seem to have a story. A well-appointed house has walls that bear the stories of a lifetime. Gifts from friends and stories of vacations begin to replace what were once simply colorful decorations, and as the stories of a lifetime evolve, they are recorded on the walls.

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Automatic Driving Device

The better things in life always seem to have a story. A well-appointed house has walls that bear the stories of a lifetime. Gifts from friends and stories of vacations begin to replace what were once simply colorful decorations, and as the stories of a lifetime evolve, they are recorded on the walls.

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Overhead Drives Part 1

The better things in life always seem to have a story. A well-appointed house has walls that bear the stories of a lifetime. Gifts from friends and stories of vacations begin to replace what were once simply colorful decorations, and as the stories of a lifetime evolve, they are recorded on the walls.

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The better things in life always seem to have a story. A well-appointed house has walls that bear the stories of a lifetime. Gifts from friends and stories of vacations begin to replace what were once simply colorful decorations, and as the stories of a lifetime evolve, they are recorded on the walls.

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